Maddy Acker
Staff Writer
If you are a student at R.J. Reynolds High School, then you have probably heard the name Frií Sampson-Young. Sampson-Young is famous at RJR for hosting her iconic pep rallies, being an officer of the Ebony Society, her role as vice president of the Student Government Association, and to top it all off, is a shining light on the varsity cheer team. Sampson-Young’s impact at RJR is known by students, teachers, and coaches, as she strives to make RJR a better place every day.

Since her freshman year, Sampson-Young has been bound for success, not only academically and socially, but also athletically.
“I made varsity cheer my freshman year, so it automatically allowed me to be involved and meet other people because I was an underclassman,” Sampson-Young said.
Sampson-Young has no problem making friends and definitely knows how to make a good impression because everyone who has met her has nothing but praise to send her way.
“From the first day, she was always very focused.” David Vukovich, Sampson-Young’s previous math teacher, said. “She definitely stood out as someone who was always actively engaged, asking great questions, and was really kind of the model student,” Sampson-Young doesn’t just stop at academics, she is also an amazing role model. She has volunteered as a Demon Delegate for freshman orientation for the past two years.
“I wanted them to see how active I am and inspire them to be active too,” Sampson-Young said.
Sampson-Young is super confident and puts her all into everything that she does, but in all her humbleness, she gives the glory to her parents.
“I get my confidence from my mom and my dad,” Sampson-Young said. “They have always instilled in me to be a confident person and walk with your head held high, and I try to remember what they’ve taught me growing up,”
What Sampson-Young might be most well-known for is hosting the annual Homecoming pep rally, where she hypes up the entire school and makes everyone at RJR feel the school spirit.
“My favorite part about hosting the pep rally is bringing people from the crowd to come have fun with me, especially like when we’re doing games.” Sampson-Young said.“I like bringing them in front of the crowd so that they can have their moment,”
The teachers at RJR have made lasting impacts on Sampson-Young. They have helped her become the person she is today. However, she has also made a lasting impact on them.
“Frií was always such a joy in each class. She always came in with a positive attitude and was eager to learn,” English teacher Jenna Whitener said. “She is incredibly smart and well-spoken, and beyond that, she helped to make class fun because of her quick humor and witty banter that always made me laugh and created a comfortable classroom environment!”
It is no secret that Sampson-Young has had a lasting impact here at RJR and will only continue to do great things as she progresses past high school.